Searching on the internet for resources I found these sites:
it provides some useful quotations to be used in class
- which is actually the site from which I took the first link
it hosts some interesting conferences, like this one I gave you in the link
this is one of the things the guy in the link above was talking about :)
After our evaluation exam I went straight home and search for the poem Adela read to us. I found it here:
I don't know if you knew or if you watched "Detachment", which is a movie released in 2011, but I watched it and I got really impressed. It is a bit harsh, but it is about teaching...
I'll give you a link if you want to watch it online:
duminică, 16 septembrie 2012
luni, 10 septembrie 2012
By Gabriela, Daniela, Vanda, Radu, Dănuț
A Drizzling Day
It was unexpectedly uninspired to have chosen such a day for skydiving. Gosh ! It was drizzling as it always did on November days. Bill dressed nervously, putting on his skydiving suit. At some point he defied the idea of doing such a dangerous thing. But thoughts were redundant anyway… They were part of his garrulous nature. They somehow disgusted him since, after all, he was a man of action. All he could do was not to worry about it… The worst thing that could happen was to land on a deserted island. What a bright perspective!
He stepped aut of the plane, plunging into the unknown. All worries seemed to be gone!
Not true! He soon opened his eyes only to see a group of painted islanders. Never in his life had he felt worse… Endangered! He was scared and confused.
”Wan Yan Dam May Am!!!” They were garrulous indeed ! More than himself! He could not even raise a tent to hide from the annoying drizzle. Fortunately, the Chief of the ”Wan Yan Dam May Am!” came to him and offered a colourful feather helmet. Good sign!
Bill was no longer excited or threatened! He was simply happy! After all, it was Hawaii, the island of his dreams!
Two people who become strangers - story
Two people who become strangers
I suddenly woke up on an island. As I stood in the middle of nowhere, I talked to my self and said "I have to defy it, I have to prove that I can make it out of here!.Even though I am not garrulous , I would have preferred someone to talk to now,but there was nobody there, just me and the island".
Fortunately she saw a man who was skydiving. He noticed her and she was nervously watching the sky. Soon after they met they thought of the same "don't worry, be happy" song. All of a sudden it started to drizzle and all their good mood went into the sea .
For a period of 2 months they lived happily there, as a man and a woman alone on an island would… But after some time he noticed that she had some bad habbits .
From his point of view her actions and words seemed redundant. Well, after all she is talkative. That's ok for some, but not for him though, he was disgusted. At some time, while listening to her talking like mad, he was thinking about the day he went skydiving with his highschool friends.That experience was marvellous.
He decided that he would tolerate her while on the island but when they return into the real world, they will separate.
Violeta, Andreea, Carmen and Larisa
Violeta, Andreea, Carmen and Larisa
Attempts at storywriting
She was like a garrulous island... A drizzle of words would pour out of her and she could not stop, no matter how isolated she had started to be... People would have gone skydiving only to avoid her redundant waterfall of yesterday's news and plain nonsense but she refused to worry... She would simply look disgusted, watching the crowd of people moving nervously further and further away from her. Eventually a delicate smile would appear in the corner of her mouth. If you can't beat them, defy them!
joi, 6 septembrie 2012
Teaching idioms, 3 activities.
Activity 1 :
We give the Ss 4 phrases with the idioms we want to teach them ask them if they have understood the meaning of the idoms . If they haven't understood the meaning, then we give them the explanations .
1.If you play your cards right,you can get whatever you want .
2.The problems that you see here are just the tip of the iceberg.
3.I do not think you have the cheek to play that joke on her,she do enot enjoy jokes.
4.We won the match fair and square .
5.The young man is rather green and does not have enough experience to drive the machinery.
5.The young man is rather green and does not have enough experience to drive the machinery.
Activity 2:
We give the Ss small sheets of paper containg two columns.On the first column they can read the first part of the sentence and on the second column the secondd part of the column. The idiom may be either in the first or in the second column .
She played her cards right | more problems are to come. |
He is in his first year of teaching | I can say that he has the cheek. |
This is the tip of the iceberg | They weren' fair and square. |
They swindled us; | and now she is the manager of the company. |
By the way inwhich he behaved | thus we can all agree that he is green. |
Activity 3 :
We ask the Ss to write 5 sentences with the idioms that they have learned .
Drăgulescu Violeta and Plennert Larisa
Students receive a handout with the following idioms: the tip of the iceberg, be green fair and square, have the cheek and play one`s card.
Activity 1.
Ss have to choose the appropriate meaning of the given 4 idioms. For example:
What you`ve heard is only the tip of the iceberg. The whole story will give you creeps!
a) surface of things
b) the way things are
c) the things to refer to
Activity 2.
Ss are given a short sentence and they should explain the meaning with their own words/rephrase.
eg. He had the cheek to suggest that I should be the one to apologize!
He dared to....
Activity 3
Fill in the gaps with the given idioms.
eg. If you___________________________you will probably get a promotion.
Choose one of the idioms and try to write a story (real or fantastic) about how was it created (Use at least 50 words).
Choose one of the idioms and try to write a story (real or fantastic) about how was it created (Use at least 50 words).
By Andreea, Danut
Stage 1. Introducing idioms
Def. The tip of the iceberg is the part of a problem that can be seen, with far more serious problems lying underneath.
Def. It simply means making the right and appropriate decisions in every situation. Meaning you have to be careful in making decisions and plan every decision carefully before you do it.
Ask students to guess or figure out the meaning of the idiom. Correct as necessary. Ask them to provide other example.Then, move on to another conversation for another idiom
Stage 2. Practice
Show students how these idioms are used in the media, in newspaper and magazine articles, and in songs, cartoons, videos, advertisements, etc…
Stage 3. Apply
Divide the class into pairs. Each pair of students gets one or two idioms to work with. They must write a conversation and use this idiom in it. Walk around the classroom to assist students and check for accuracy.
Each pair stands before their classmates and acts out the conversation they wrote. This way they not only practice using the idiom phrases, they hear other examples from classmates, other ways in which these idioms may be included in conversation.
Daniela & Radu
Teaching idioms
Teaching idioms:
- be green
- fair and square
- have the cheek
- play one's cards right1. The students are given a set of pictures of things they already know (green, iceberg, square, cheek, cards):
2. The students listen to a short track about an environmentally conscious person (say, Al Gore) in which all the idioms we had planned to teach are used. For now we only ask them to place the pictures in the order they hear the words represented.
3. The students are given gapped idioms (the tip of the .........; fair and ............; have the .................; be .......; play one's ............... right) and they are asked to fill in with the pictures and to try to reconstruct the idioms with the missing word.
4. The students are asked to pair the idioms with their short definitions: act justly, a small part of something hidden, a friend to the environment, be rude, without any doubt.
5. The students are asked to write a sentence which should be funny, as long as possible and including as many idioms as they can use. The funniest one wins.
Adela Ardereanu
Teaching idioms to intermediate students
Stage 1
T writes on the bb 1-2 common examples of idioms similar to the Ss' mother tongue such as a wolf in sheep's clothes and asks Ss to identify if it refers to the very words or to something else. Ss explain the meaning of the given idiom. Then, T tells Ss that an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its words is called an idiom.
Stage 2
Ss are given a short text and are asked to underline the idioms from the text.
Stage 3
In pairs, Ss match the given idioms with the definitions.
Stage 4 - follow-up
Ss choose 1 idiom they liked to use it as a key-word for writing a paragraph.
T writes on the bb 1-2 common examples of idioms similar to the Ss' mother tongue such as a wolf in sheep's clothes and asks Ss to identify if it refers to the very words or to something else. Ss explain the meaning of the given idiom. Then, T tells Ss that an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its words is called an idiom.
Stage 2
Ss are given a short text and are asked to underline the idioms from the text.
Stage 3
In pairs, Ss match the given idioms with the definitions.
Stage 4 - follow-up
Ss choose 1 idiom they liked to use it as a key-word for writing a paragraph.
teaching adjectives related to feelings and moods
Find 3 different activities to teach the following words :
anguished, astounded, depressed, glad, bored, miserable, thrilled, anxious, dismayed,heartbroken, nervous, upset, appaled, concerned, ecstatic, horrified, pleased, apprehensive, frightened, irritated, scared, astonished, delighted, furios, livid, terrified .
Activity 1: match the words to the pictures given .
Ss receive a sheet of paper that includes pictures (with faces) and the adjectives regarding feelings, states. Then they are asked to match the words with the pictures by starting with the ones they know and by elimination to try and discover the rest. If at any point they are clueless, we may help them
Activity 2: match the words with the definitions given.
Ss receive a handout with definitions and the above adjectives. They are asked to match the words with the definitions .If at any point they are clueless, we may help them
Activity 3 : group the words that have a similar meaning .
Ss are asked to group the words given according to a similar meaning . If at any point they are clueless, we may help them.
Plennert Larisa and Drăgulescu Violeta
Teaching adjectives
Teaching 10 adjectives describing feelings (glad, thrilled, pleased, delighted, ecstatic, miserable, bored, horrified, irritated, depressed).
1. Presenting the adjectives in connection with emoticons - having the students mime the words.

2. Dividing the adjectives into positive/negative categories and asking students to think of a time when they felt like that.
3. Students work in pairs: each pair is given one of the adjectives and has to write a mini-dialogue (max. 4 lines, not using the exact word). The others have to guess the adjective.
Carmen Radu & Adela Ardereanu
1. Presenting the adjectives in connection with emoticons - having the students mime the words.
2. Dividing the adjectives into positive/negative categories and asking students to think of a time when they felt like that.
3. Students work in pairs: each pair is given one of the adjectives and has to write a mini-dialogue (max. 4 lines, not using the exact word). The others have to guess the adjective.
Carmen Radu & Adela Ardereanu
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