Stage 1. Introducing idioms
Def. The tip of the iceberg is the part of a problem that can be seen, with far more serious problems lying underneath.
Def. It simply means making the right and appropriate decisions in every situation. Meaning you have to be careful in making decisions and plan every decision carefully before you do it.
Ask students to guess or figure out the meaning of the idiom. Correct as necessary. Ask them to provide other example.Then, move on to another conversation for another idiom
Stage 2. Practice
Show students how these idioms are used in the media, in newspaper and magazine articles, and in songs, cartoons, videos, advertisements, etc…
Stage 3. Apply
Divide the class into pairs. Each pair of students gets one or two idioms to work with. They must write a conversation and use this idiom in it. Walk around the classroom to assist students and check for accuracy.
Each pair stands before their classmates and acts out the conversation they wrote. This way they not only practice using the idiom phrases, they hear other examples from classmates, other ways in which these idioms may be included in conversation.
Daniela & Radu
Very interactive and skill oriented. Entertaining and powerful visually.
RăspundețiȘtergereTHe pairwork activity, if done in front of the classroom,seems to be rather time consuming with larger groups.