1. Presenting the adjectives in connection with emoticons - having the students mime the words.
2. Dividing the adjectives into positive/negative categories and asking students to think of a time when they felt like that.
3. Students work in pairs: each pair is given one of the adjectives and has to write a mini-dialogue (max. 4 lines, not using the exact word). The others have to guess the adjective.
Carmen Radu & Adela Ardereanu
Excellent work! You may want to think of a continuation of the 2nd activity - do they only think about it or they have something to do once they remembered past experience?
RăspundețiȘtergereAlso, you may want to think of a way to make the difference between the various shades of intesity and find an activity to explore that (for example, the difference between tired and eshausted)